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Full Stop (Period)

Full stops (also called »periods«) are not only used at the end of a sentence, but also in abbreviations and decimals.

Full Stop at the End of Sentences

Use a full stop to end affirmative sentences.

Example: I go shopping every day.

Use a full stop to end orders.

Example: Leave me alone.

Note: Americans often type two blanks after the punctuation mark at the end of a sentence.

see also: → Punctuation Marks that End Sentences

Full Stop after Abbreviations

The full stop after abbreviations is optional in American English, but not usually used in British English.

   BE: Mrs Robinson, 5 kg, NBC
   AE also: Mrs. Robinson, 5 kg., C.N.N.

Don't use a full stop after acronyms.

Example: NATO, AIDS

see also: → Business Letters (Salutation)