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Vocabulary lists on “School and Education”

School System
School System / Education System
nursery school (UK), preschool (USA)
primary school (UK), elementary school (USA)
secondary school (UK), high school (USA)
comprehensive school
state funded school (UK), public school (USA)
private school (UK, USA)
co-educational school
single sex school
girls' school
boys' school
boarding school
home schooling
distance learning
There are … distinct levels of education in …
In …, children start school at the age of …
In …, compulsory schooling begins at the age of …
Children usually start school when they are … years old.
Children in … starts school at the age of …
School is compulsory for everybody between … and … years of age.
When children in … start school, they are usually … years old.
When the students leave school, they are usually … years old.
Schooling is compulsory until the age of …
Students are required to attend school until the age of …
Between the ages of … and …, one attends … school.
The first school that children in … attend is … school.
After … school they go to … school.
Students attend … school for … years.
Students remain at … school for … years.
After … school, students attend … school.
Then they start … school.
Aged …, they start … school.
Students in …
… students (American students) …
Students at … school …

have about … lessons per day / week.
study approximately … subjects.
have lessons from … to …
have lessons in the mornings and afternoons.
do not have to repeat a year.
have about … weeks of holiday.
(do not) wear school uniforms.
are (not) required to wear school uniforms.

The following subjects / courses are …

mandatory / compulsory:
optional / elective:

Education at a … school …
Education at … schools …

is free of charge.
is not free of charge.
is financed through the tax system.
is paid by the parents.

There are usually between … and … students
in a class.
The school year is divided into … terms.
The school year begins in … and finishes in …
This is similar to the school system in …
This is different to the school system in …