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Adjectives and Adverbs

Adjectives are used to modify nouns, e.g. The dog is loud. – What is the dog like?  – loud

Adverbs are used to modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs, e.g. The dog barks loudly. – How does the dog bark? – loudly

Comparison of Adjectives
Form and Comparison of Adverbs
Adjective or Adverb
Exercises on English Adjectives
Exercise on Comparison of Adjectives (5 random adjectives)
Exercise on Comparison of Adjectives (comparative, superlative)
Exercise on Comparison of Adjectives (as…as)
Comparison Exercise on the Text “Los Angeles”
Positive Form and Comparison Exercise on the Text “London”
Exercises on English Adverbs
Exercise on Form of Adverbs (5 random adverbs)
Exercise on Comparison of Adverbs (5 random adverbs)
Exercise on Form of Adverbs
Exercise on Comparison of Adverbs
Position of Adverbs (explanation with exercises)
Mixed Exercise
Adjective or Adverb
Adjective or Adverb (positive comparative and superlative forms)
Exercise on the text Niagara Falls
Games & Fun
Good-better-best – Do you know the answers? (Quiz)